Juan José Benitez
“Your mind is a ship, Ab-bã is the interior flicker, the pilot, and your will is the captain. You order… is a grieve you don’t let guided by Him! Frequently his direction is altered by your incompetent human nature and, above all, by fears, preconceived ideas and knows that there is more… The man is so afraid because he doesn’t know, he is not conscious of that I am revealing you. One the day you will wake up, and you don’t have doubts that you will do, and you will understand that you are a son of God, that you are immortal and that you are condemned the be happy, on that day, my dear angels, the world will be different. The human beings will only have a fear: of not seeming with Him… But that “fear” will also end up disappearing. The “flicker” will suffocate him. My Father’s success is intimately linked to your power of decision. If you trust, He wins. It doesn´t matters to much of what you believe. If you seek him, if you pursue him, the “flicker” controls the direction. And you, little by little, go becoming one with ‘her”. I will tell you a secret… Observe the wood. It is one made with fire, and both. Unavoidably, they arise. Finally, they are truly free… Look! Look well! Now, fire and wood are only one… did you Understand? Very well, this is the secret. The man, the wood, that can be identified, make one with Ab-bã, the fire… he won’t die! His mortal involucre will be consumed by the “flicker”, by Love, and he won’t need to be resurrected…”.
Extracted of the book, Cavallo de Troya. Volume 6 – Hermon; and translated to english by us, from Juan Benitez (first week in Hermon: conversation of Jesus with Jasão and Eliseu)
Note: this author books only exist in spanish and portuguese language.
To go to the author Website (in spanish) visit.: Benitez Planet